Clark County Regional Flood Control District
Data Entry |  Drainage Study Status |  Floodzone App.  

Effective April 6, 2020, for the safety and protection of District security, consultant, and office staff, only electronic submittals will be received and processed for Drainage Study Concurrence. This new procedure has been extended through January 1, 2024, and pplanned to be incorporated into the process moving forward.

Please fill out the form in step 1A and then click the "Submit Form" button in step 1B.

Then submit the PDF copy of the drainage study including all addenda and supplements, drainage exhibits, and improvement plans to the CCRFCD Land Development Dropbox link provided below in Step 2.

The below procedures will apply after the COVID submittal guideline effective dates.

Please note: District requests both a hardcopy and a digital copy (PDF) on CD of the drainage study including all addenda and supplements,
drainage exhibits, and improvement plans for all land development projects requiring District concurrence.
The CD must include the approval letter, all drainage study submittals with exhibits/maps in the appropriate order, and the approved improvement plans.
The improvement plans are preferred to be one PDF, rather than separate PDF's for each sheet.

Below are the new checklists for District submittals and a sample letter certifying documents on the electronic submittal matches the hardcopy submittal.

CCRFCD Checklist
Sample Certification Letter

Drainage Study Submission Form

(STEP 1) Submit Study Information:

(STEP 1A) Compelete this form:


Upload Form status:

(STEP 2) Upload Letters/Plans/Supplements/Addendums: *Please include the study number provided in step 1 in the name of the file.

Upload Documents to CCRFCD Drainage Study Dropbox