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March TAC Meeting Cancelled
March CAC Meeting Cancelled

  • Board Agenda - December 13, 2018
  • Items
  • Item 03. Recognition of Board Member for Service to the Regional Flood Control District (For possible action)
  • Item 04. Action to approve the minutes of the November 8, 2018 meeting (For possible action)
  • Item 05. Discuss General Manager’s Monthly Report
  • Item 06. Action to accept the financial reports (For possible action)
  • Item 07. Action to adopt amendments to the Ten-Year Construction Program (For possible action)
  • Item 08. Action to accept the final accounting reports and close out the interlocal contracts for the following projects (For possible action) -- Brooks Channel (construction) – NLV18H14
  • Item 08. Action to accept the final accounting reports and close out the interlocal contracts for the following projects (For possible action) -- Central Freeway Channel at Cheyenne (construction) – NLV18I16
  • Item 09. Action to approve and authorize the General Manager to sign the second amendment to the consultant contract with the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) to revise the scope and extend the contract for a Research Project to investigate the impacts of lateral flows to main line channel facilities throughout Clark County (For possible action)
  • Item 10. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the third amendment to the professional services agreement with Atkins North America, Inc., to extend the term of the agreement to prepare a Master Plan Update for the Las Vegas Valley (For possible action)
  • Item 11. Action to accept the Quarterly Project Status Reports – reporting period August 2018 through October 2018 (For possible action)
  • Item 12. Action to approve, adopt and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 18-7 to augment the FY 2018-19 Regional Flood Control District Fund 2860 budget in the amount of $2,400,000 (For possible action)
  • Item 13a. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the supplemental interlocal contracts for design and construction to extend the project completion date for the following projects (For possible action) -- Third Supplemental – Hollywood System, Dunes South Detention Basin to Centennial Parkway – City of North Las Vegas
  • Item 13b. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the supplemental interlocal contracts for design and construction to extend the project completion date for the following projects (For possible action) -- Second Supplemental – Hemenway System, Phase IIA Improvements – City of Boulder City
  • Item 13c. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the supplemental interlocal contracts for design and construction to extend the project completion date for the following projects (For possible action) -- Fourth Supplemental – Rancho Road System – Elkhorn, Fort Apache to Grand Canyon – City of Las Vegas
  • Item 14. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the eighth supplemental interlocal contract for design to extend the project completion date and change the scope for Hemenway System, Phase II Improvements – City of Boulder City (For possible action)
  • Item 15a. Rancho Road System – Elkhorn, Grand Canyon to Hualapai – City of Las Vegas -- Action to approve the request to reallocate funding within the interlocal contract for construction and approve a waiver of the design engineering cap (For possible action)
  • Item 15b. Rancho Road System – Elkhorn, Grand Canyon to Hualapai – City of Las Vegas -- Receive a report on the award of bid for construction
  • Item 16a. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the supplemental interlocal contracts for design and construction to increase funding for the following projects (For possible action) -- Sixth Supplemental – Vandenberg North Detention Basin & Outfall – City of North Las Vegas
  • Item 16b. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the supplemental interlocal contracts for design and construction to increase funding for the following projects (For possible action) -- Fifth Supplemental – Freeway Channel – Washington, MLK to Rancho Drive – City of Las Vegas
  • Item 17a. Vandenberg North Detention Basin, Collection & Outfall – Phase I – Clark County (For possible action) -- Action to accept the project presentation
  • Item 17b. Vandenberg North Detention Basin, Collection & Outfall – Phase I – Clark County (For possible action) -- Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the interlocal contract for construction
  • Item 18. Action to accept the Financial Statements, accompanying information and report of independent auditors for the Regional Flood Control District as prepared by Eide Bailly LLP for the Fiscal Year that ended June 30, 2018 (For possible action)
  • Agenda Item Backup