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March TAC Meeting Cancelled
March CAC Meeting Cancelled

  • Board Agenda - June 14, 2018
  • Items
  • Item 03. Action to approve the minutes of the May 24, 2018 meeting (For possible action)
  • Item 04. Discuss General Manager’s Monthly Report
  • Item 05. Action to accept the financial reports (For possible action)
  • Item 06. Action to adopt amendments to the Ten Year Construction Program (For possible action)
  • Item 07. Action to accept the final accounting report and close out the interlocal contract for the following project (For possible action) -- Ann Road Channel East, ULVW to Fifth Street (design) – NLV01G11
  • Item 08. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the budgets, plans and interlocal contracts for the Fiscal Year 2018-19 Maintenance Work Program (For possible action)
  • Item 08. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the budgets, plans and interlocal contracts for the Fiscal Year 2018-19 Maintenance Work Program (For possible action)
  • Item 08. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the budgets, plans and interlocal contracts for the Fiscal Year 2018-19 Maintenance Work Program (For possible action)
  • Item 08. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the budgets, plans and interlocal contracts for the Fiscal Year 2018-19 Maintenance Work Program (For possible action)
  • Item 08. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the budgets, plans and interlocal contracts for the Fiscal Year 2018-19 Maintenance Work Program (For possible action)
  • Item 08. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the budgets, plans and interlocal contracts for the Fiscal Year 2018-19 Maintenance Work Program (For possible action)
  • Item 09. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the second amendment to the agreement with Briscoe Ivester & Bazel LLP to provide legal consulting services regarding the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (For possible action)
  • Item 10. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the professional services agreement with HDR Engineering Inc., for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Compliance for the Las Vegas Valley (For possible action)
  • Item 11. Action to adopt the amendments to the Operations and Maintenance Manual – 2018 Update or take action as deemed appropriate (For possible action)
  • Item 12. Action to approve the optional one year extension to the Interlocal Agreement with KCLV-Channel 2 for the term of July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019 and authorize the funding in the amount of $89,900 for video taping and editing of six Flood Channel television shows (For possible action)
  • Item 13. Action to accept the Quarterly Project Status Reports – reporting period February 2018 through April 2018 (For possible action)
  • Item 14. Action to approve and authorize the General Manager to sign the Joint Funding Agreement with the United States Geological Survey for the collection of rainfall and streamflow data – FY 2018-19 (For possible action)
  • Item 15. Action to approve and authorize the FY 2018-19 expenditures for the operation and maintenance of the RFCD/RTC Administration Building (For possible action)
  • Item 16. Action to approve, adopt, and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 18-3 for donation of surplus computers and peripherals to the Clark County Public Education Foundation and/or The Blind Center of Nevada; and authorize the General Manager or his designee to sign the Transfer of Property Agreement for the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, or take action as deemed appropriate (For possible action)
  • Item 17. Action to approve, adopt, and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 18-4 for donation of empty toner cartridges and non-functioning cellular telephones and associated equipment to the Habitat for Humanity Las Vegas for the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, or take other action deemed appropriate (For possible action)
  • Item 18. Action to approve, adopt and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 18-5 for the purpose of establishing board committed fund balance for Other Post-Employment Benefits (For possible action)
  • Item 19a. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the supplemental interlocal contracts for design to extend the project completion date for the following projects (For possible action) -- Second Supplemental: Duck Creek at Dean Martin – Clark County
  • Item 19b. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the supplemental interlocal contracts for design to extend the project completion date for the following projects (For possible action) -- First Supplemental: Duck Creek at Las Vegas Boulevard – Clark County
  • Item 19c. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the supplemental interlocal contracts for design to extend the project completion date for the following projects (For possible action) -- Thirteenth Supplemental: Flamingo Wash, McLeod Drive to Maryland Parkway – Clark County
  • Item 19d. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the supplemental interlocal contracts for design to extend the project completion date for the following projects (For possible action) -- Fourth Supplemental: SR 163 at Casino Drive – Clark County
  • Item 19e. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the supplemental interlocal contracts for design to extend the project completion date for the following projects (For possible action) -- Third Supplemental: Las Vegas Wash – “N” Channel, Cheyenne to Gowan – City of North Las Vegas
  • Item 19f. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the supplemental interlocal contracts for design to extend the project completion date for the following projects (For possible action) -- First Supplemental: Hollywood System, Centennial Parkway to Speedway #2 Detention Basin – City of North Las Vegas
  • Item 19g. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the supplemental interlocal contracts for design to extend the project completion date for the following projects (For possible action) -- First Supplemental: Gowan Outfall, Alexander Road – Decatur Boulevard to Simmons Street – City of North Las Vegas
  • Item 19h. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the supplemental interlocal contracts for design to extend the project completion date for the following projects (For possible action) -- Fifth Supplemental: Vandenberg North Detention Basin and Outfall – City of North Las Vegas
  • Item 19i. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the supplemental interlocal contracts for design to extend the project completion date for the following projects (For possible action) -- Fourth Supplemental: Central Freeway Channel at Cheyenne – City of North Las Vegas
  • Item 20a. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the supplemental interlocal contracts for design to extend the project completion date and change the scope for the following projects (For possible action) -- First Supplemental: Range Wash – Ann Branch – City of North Las Vegas
  • Item 20b. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the supplemental interlocal contracts for design to extend the project completion date and change the scope for the following projects (For possible action) -- First Supplemental: Fifth Street Collector, Centennial Parkway to Deer Springs Way – City of North Las Vegas
  • Item 21a. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the supplemental interlocal contracts for construction and design to increase funding and extend the project completion date for the following projects (For possible action) -- Fifth Supplemental: Las Vegas Wash – Sloan Channel to Stewart Avenue and Flamingo Wash below Nellis Boulevard – Clark County
  • Item 21b. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the supplemental interlocal contracts for construction and design to increase funding and extend the project completion date for the following projects (For possible action) -- Second Supplemental: Beltway Detention Basin and Channel – City of North Las Vegas
  • Item 22. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the second supplemental interlocal contract for design to increase funding, extend the project completion date and change the scope for Airport Channel – Naples – Clark County (For possible action)
  • Item 23. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the interlocal contract for design for Owens Detention Basin, Collection & Outfall – Clark County (For possible action)
  • Item 24. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the first supplemental interlocal contract for design to increase funding for Gowan North – El Capitan Branch, Ann Road to Centennial Parkway – City of Las Vegas (For possible action)
  • Item 25a. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the supplemental interlocal contracts for construction and design to decrease funding and extend the project completion date for the following projects (For possible action) -- Ninth Supplemental: Brooks Channel – City of North Las Vegas
  • Item 25b. Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the supplemental interlocal contracts for construction and design to decrease funding and extend the project completion date for the following projects (For possible action) -- Fourth Supplemental: Brooks Channel – City of North Las Vegas
  • Item 26. Action to approve a Proclamation that July 2018 be proclaimed “Flash Flood Awareness Month” and that all residents and visitors be urged to make themselves aware of the dangers of flash flooding in order to take the necessary precautions in preventing the loss of property (For possible action)
  • Item 27a. North Railroad Conveyance, Phase II – City of Boulder City (For possible action) -- Action to accept the project presentation
  • Item 27b. North Railroad Conveyance, Phase II – City of Boulder City (For possible action) -- Action to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the interlocal contract for construction and approve a waiver of the design engineering cap
  • Item 28. Action to approve a Master Plan Amendment for the Whitney Wash – Duck Creek Channel – City of Henderson (For possible action) – THIS IS A PUBLIC HEARING
  • Item 29. Action to adopt the Project Prioritization, Ten-Year Construction Program and Fiscal Year 2018-19 project list or take any action deemed appropriate (For possible action)
  • Agenda Item Backup